With the choice of main opposition New Democracy not to engage in the FYROM naming game, it again became evident that the two ruling coalition partners, Syriza and the Independent Greeks, base their decisions on the sole aim of clinging to power.

It became abundantly clear that there is no ideology, no electoral pledge, and no political red line that cannot be changed in order to serve that supreme objective.

Power is above all else.

The Syriza-Independent Greeks government was elected on slogans that collapsed one after another, like a house of cards.

Its strategy, from the July, 2015 referendum and thereafter, was to shift to opposition parties the cost of its own choices, to place the responsibility for its decisions and actions on those who are not governing.

It was a tactic that paid off in August, 2015, when, confronted with the danger of Greece exiting the monetary and political core of Europe, opposition parties voted for the third consecutive bailout memorandum.

Since then, the government has attempted to repeat the same tactic, ignoring the cardinal rule of representative democracy: that whoever governs must have the political courage and the political decency to fully assume their responsibilities.

Gaining power with shrieks and then clutching on to it at all costs is the hallmark of all populists of this world.

Particularly with regard to the naming of FYROM, however, we learned something more: that the nationalists in the government are nothing more than roaring mouses.