No government, anywhere in the world, underestimates the power of communication.

Yet there are few governments, and certainly not exemplary ones, which rule while carrying out a constant communications war, which believe that a political climate that does not favour them can be changed with a few supportive newspaper front-page stories or friendly newscasts, and which label as enemies those that do not offer these.

Unfortunately, the Syriza-Independent Greeks government declared such a war, from its very first day in power. What is worse, not a day went by that it did not govern with this outlook, with the perception that more important than reality itself is the battle for how reality is served up to the public.

That explains why today, after three years in power, the government still preoccupies itself with futile denials, and resorts to communications fireworks, which it knows are entirely hollow.

The economic team refers to data as “assessments”, only to be belied soon thereafter, and the Independent Greeks leader and Defense Minister promises to buy out the home loans of military servicemen, violating all sense of justice and common sense.

For the past three years, the government has proven unable to comprehend that battles are not won with communications machines, but rather in the arena of real politics.

That is understood by governments which do their job, while allowing the news media to do theirs, and which realise that no government has won with denials and fireworks, anywhere in the world.