The government of Zoran Zaev, prime minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has called a meeting of party leaders for tomorrow to discuss the latest developments in the Macedonia naming negotiations, following his high level talks with Alexis Tsipras.

The meeting comes on the eve of the visits of UN Special Representative Matthew Nimetz to Skopje and Athens next week.

“At this meeting, we expect to build a broader national consensus and to put many political issues on the table, and the main one is the framework of a solution tabled Matthew Nimetz,” a government spokesman announced in Skopje.

Aside from Zaev, who is leader of the Social Democratic Union party (SDSM), the meeting will be attended by President Djordje Ivanov, main opposition VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski (who was a close associate of former PM Nikola Gruevski, who is considered an ultra-nationalist in Athens), and the leader of FYROM’s largest Albanian party, the DUI, Ali Ahmeti.