The SYRIZA-Independent Greeks government, and the prime minister personally, often refer to a supposed return to normalcy.
However, that cannot happen when citizens are forced to work 198 days a year to pay taxes and insurance contributions.

Such a tax foray, with a merely revenue-raising and logistical character, is not what one would call normalcy.

It is true that the government was and is forced to meet the economic obligations of the state.

Yet, it is also true that that the government itself is responsible for a part of the economic obligations that accrued.

In choosing between the over-taxation of citizens and the reduction of public sector expenditures, it chose over-taxation to meet its obligations.
This is a political choice, the repercussions of which are self-evident in the economy.
It is obvious that an economy which needs leaps of growth to service its debt and create new jobs cannot develop when the greatest part of the wealth produced ends up in the state coffers. The Greek state is full of black holes that suck up money.
The government insists on entrapping the economy in a vicious circle of recession. The reasons for that insistence are obvious, and the ulterior motives are clearly partisan.

This motivation, however, is openly opposed to the broader social interest.