A government does a disservice to democracy when it constantly seeks enemies, and when it does not find them it manufactures them.
Parties do a disservice to democracy when they drop innuendoes about MPs being bought out, as occurred in the 2015 presidential elections.
They do an even greater disservice when they marshal the same tactic today, implying that MPS with their decisions are executing dark plans that are supposedly drawn up by the opposition.
The SYRIZA-Independent Greeks government is not the first in the post-junta era that sees its parliamentary representation eroding, and the Independent Greeks is not the first party that sees some of its MPs declaring themselves independent.
This is the first government, however, that attributed those departures to conspirators. It is the first that maligns consciences and blackmails.
What is it if not blackmail when one maintains that if the Independent Greeks MP who declared himself independent does not surrender his parliamentary seat, that proves that he is participating in a “plan for a new apostasy”?
This type of thinking does not befit democracies, but rather other types of regimes. It befits regimes in which disagreeing with those in power is always suspect, and in which whoever disagrees is always guilty.
Governments in democracies do not seek enemies, suspects, or guilty parties.
They look at their own party to pinpoint the problem. They engage in self-criticism, closely examine their choices, and seek ways out.
When the time comes for them to lose, because governments always lose at some point in democracies, they do so with dignity.