English Edition English Edition Editorial: Bridges No one knows how safe the bridges in our country are, nor if and when they are ever inspected. 17/11/2018 18:49
English Edition Green light from Brussels for government to scrap pension cuts The final state budget will be drafted without a provision for pension cuts, given the fact that a projection of a 3.5% primary surplus in 2019 was ensured. 15/11/2018 17:15
English Edition Editorial: Without rulesThe government has polarised the political system. It has attempted to divide society. It has manufactured enemies. It has sent messages of intolerance. 15/11/2018 14:04
English Edition Ex-PM Simitis welcomes opening of his bank accounts, ordered by Greek Anti-Money Laundering AuthorityThe decision to open the accounts was prompted by press reports regarding the testimony of Michel Josserand, a former executive at the Thales company, which had undertaken the modernisation Of Hellenic Navy frigates. 14/11/2018 15:32
English Edition Editorial: WallMerkel’s statement that “nationalism must not pass” places a little stone in the building of a wall against nationalism and populism, as does the reminder that toleration is the soul of Europe. 14/11/2018 13:00
English Edition Editorial: IllusionsThe Greek people do not deserve a state that is at the mercy of violence, and that allows a sense of insecurity to prevail on the street, fear at universities, and abandonment in the health system. 13/11/2018 13:47
English Edition Two former New Democracy health minister to be probed on arthroscopy overpricingA parliamentary committee decided ex-health minister Makis Voridis and former alternate health minister Marios Salmas will be investigated regarding medical procedure pricing, noting that there are 'suspicions of manipulation and collusion' 12/11/2018 23:07
English Edition Almost no safety net for long-term unemployed in Greece'Our approach is to bolster income until people can find a job, and to support them in developing better prospects in seeking employment,' said OAED unemployment bureau chief Maria Karamesini. 12/11/2018 17:13
English Edition Editorial: AdventurismIt appears that Mr. Tsipras' political reversals – or kolotoumba as the international press called it, borrowing the original Greek) are the basic characteristics of the SYRIZA leader’s political path. 12/11/2018 11:37
English Edition Editorial: RiskThe question that naturally arises is what will happen in the event of a collapse of Italy, the GDP of which is ten times that of Greece’s, and the debt of which was 6.5 times greater in 2011? 10/11/2018 20:14
English Edition Marinakis, Mayor Moralis unite with common vision for PiraeusIn his remarks, Marinakis stated that he will support Moralis and the “Piraeus Victorious” ticket with all his forces, so that they may continue their work in the city. 09/11/2018 22:10
English Edition Questions about high-level government cover of Rouvikonas anarchists’ attacks raised by The Economist'When police officers arrested several Rouvikonas members who broke into parliament last year, Nikos Voutsis, the Speaker, called up the citizens’ protection minister and ordered their immediate release on the grounds that ‘it was a simple act of protest.' 09/11/2018 15:38
English Edition Editorial: PurseThe government’s economic policy was based on two political axes. One was an alignment with the demands of creditors, and the other was over-taxation. 09/11/2018 14:03
English Edition Editorial: Blessing The government utilised the Church not in order to resolve the issue of Church-State relations, but in order to garner votes 08/11/2018 13:13
English Edition Alleged Fraud Surprises Activist Investors in Shipping-Fuel CompanyBoard investigation found billionaire founder used false transactions, receipts and documents to conceal alleged $300 million fraud 07/11/2018 17:23
English Edition Editorial: PainThe services and infrastructure of the healthcare system are continually deteriorating, often with tragic results 07/11/2018 14:18
English Edition Tsipras, Ieronymos reach 15-point understanding on Church-State relationsIeronymos profusely thanked the PM, asserting that if all is implemented as planned, he will go down in history as the leader who solved a problem that was intractable for decades. 06/11/2018 21:51
English Edition Ten days after being shot dead by Albanian Special Forces, Katsifas’ body to be returned to familyA coroner appointed by the family was allowed only five minutes to view the corpse, and he said that the bullet wounds have been sewed up and any possible evidence was thus wiped away. 06/11/2018 17:57
English Edition Pompeo to chair US-Greece Strategic Dialogue beginning 13 December, Pyatt announces at recycling unit launch“Today’s celebration marks one more success underlining the strength of the U.S.-Greece relationship on multiple fronts in terms of defense and security cooperation, people to people ties, and of course the critical area of trade and investment,” the US Ambassador said. 06/11/2018 14:45
English Edition Aegean Marine auditors’ report: Threats of physical violence, ‘backers’The audit shows that $300mn went missing, financial data were altered, employees were threatened with physical violence, and there was hacking of a company server. 06/11/2018 11:52
English Edition The interventionist Mr. Soros, Kammenos’ charges, SYRIZA’s silenceKammenos has publicly linked Soros “irredentist groups in Skopje” to which “he has contributed billions”, an to the 'slanderous attack' against the minister regarding the management of funds earmarked for refugee 05/11/2018 18:07
English Edition Editorial: ERT Greek Radio and TelevisionNever before has ERT Greek Radio and Television been disdained more intensely and broadly. falling prey to a relentless war between government factions to control it completely. 05/11/2018 13:14
English Edition “Criminal networks exploit immigrants”We know that some organised crime groups are responsible for facilitating the movement of migrants from Turkey and we are working very closely with the Turkish authorities to locate and disrupt these criminals Αθανασόπουλος Αγγελος 05/11/2018 08:43
English Edition Editorial: BeaconIt is worthwhile to lend an ear to the words of educated Greek scientists and professionals, who are in their fields ranked in the top one percent. 03/11/2018 20:51
English Edition SYRIZA tables comprehensive Constitutional amendment proposal, to change 23 articlesThe outline of the over 7,000-word proposal was presented by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in an address to his parliamentary group on 30 October, and the main issue that was left open was the provision for the election of the President of the Republic by Parliament. 02/11/2018 16:53
English Edition Editorial: Chasing powerCorruption cases arise almost everywhere in the world, but they are dealt with institutionally, and not by criminalising political life. 02/11/2018 13:56
English Edition Ta Nea: Government applies ‘Polakis Dogma’ of putting political opponents in jail, parliament to probe five ex-health ministers'The investigative committee [that is now preparing its report] cannot attribute a crime to a particular minister, but it can describe his responsibilities, which will be evaluated by the judiciary and by the parliamentary committee which will conduct the subsequent preliminary criminal probe,' said a majority MP. 01/11/2018 19:54
English Edition Editorial: On the slyThe promised abolition of the bailout memorandum with one article in one law was nothing less than a promise that life would return to pre-crisis levels. 01/11/2018 14:07
English Edition Editorial: AlchemyA country’s basic law enshrines all the vital functions of politics, the economy, and social life. That means that any move requires the utmost respect and responsibility. 31/10/2018 17:58
English Edition Killing of Katsifas by Albanian Special Forces rocks Greek minorityMedical doctor Pantelis Papistas, a member of the Pan-Hellenic Association for the Northern Epirus Struggle and a friend of Katsifas, said that the Albanian Special Forces encircled him, captured him, and dragged him for 70-80 metres and then shot him dead. 31/10/2018 15:57
English Edition You paid a heavy price for eros, my dear KhashoggiWhy on earth did you want to step into that trap, Jamal? Did you perhaps figure that your friendship with Erdogan would protect you? Did you calculate – rightly – that if they kidnapped you, not to mention murdered you, that that would harm the Saudi Arabian regime more than it would benefit it? 30/10/2018 16:03
English Edition Editorial: Amending the ConstitutionThis time, the government is using the constitutional revision process not to amend the constitution, but rather to block any amendments that a future parliamentary majority may seek. 30/10/2018 14:16
English Edition Seven-month prison sentence for shipowner Vellis for defaming Olymiacos FCThe defamation of Olympiacos by the shipowner today resulted in his exemplary punishment in the courtroom. Will this be the last time his name is heard in football? 30/10/2018 01:54
English Edition Editorial: HubrisThe state, which proved unable to protect its citizens, exhibits exceptional generosity towards their unrepentant murderer. 29/10/2018 20:05
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07/01/2025 12:13 Τρομακτικά πλάνα δείχνουν τι συμβαίνει κάτω από το νερό σε σεισμό μεγέθους 6,9 βαθμών (βίντεο)