English Edition English Edition Editorial: Games Greek society yearns for political change, and it does not want to credit the government with more time. 30/06/2018 15:48
English Edition Parliament Speaker calls on Dimitris Kammenos to resign post'When an MP is not a member of a party, he cannot serve as a parliament vice president,' Parliament Speaker Voutsis underlined 27/06/2018 17:43
English Edition Editorial: DignityWhat is it if not blackmail when one maintains that if the Independent Greeks MP who declared himself independent does not surrender his parliamentary seat, that proves that he is participating in a 'plan for a new apostasy'? 27/06/2018 14:30
English Edition Independent Greeks MP resigns party after grass roots pressure on FYROMThe “Committee for the Greekness of Macedonia” had asked citizens to contact Lazaridis and pressure him to leave the party that put him on its ballots. 26/06/2018 15:55
English Edition Editorial: Ulterior motivesIn choosing between the over-taxation of citizens and the reduction of public sector expenditures, the government chose over-taxation to meet its obligations. 26/06/2018 14:22
English Edition Moody’s welcomes debt relief package for Greece'We expect the agreement to pave the way for the government to return to capital market funding on a sustained basis, a credit positive,' Moody's said in a report. 25/06/2018 21:16
English Edition Editorial: CacophonyThe refugee crisis is not testing only the cohesion of the European Union. It is challenging its values, the very system of values on which the European construct was founded. 25/06/2018 13:27
English Edition Editorial: DefeatThe memorandum has ended for creditors as regards the issue of new loans, but it has not ended for our country, which will continue on the path of meeting its commitments towards them. 23/06/2018 14:44
English Edition Editorial: IllusionsIt would be a disastrous error to cultivate the illusion that the end of the bailout programme in August signals a return to the normalcy of the pre-memorandum era. 22/06/2018 14:25
English Edition ESM’s Regling underlines importance of continued reformsKlaus Regling says that taxes are high in Greece, compared to other countries, but it was unavoidable to do the fiscal adjustment that was needed. 'If there is fiscal space, I think [tax cuts] is one of the areas that this fiscal space should be applied'. 21/06/2018 16:08
English Edition Editorial: VigilanceUndoubtedly, our country must align itself with the forces of humanism, while at the same time avoid being crushed by the forces of political calculation. 21/06/2018 15:16
English Edition FYROM’s parliament ratifies naming accord with GreeceThe resolution of the dispute with Greece is a compromise “in which we and our Greek friends attempted to preserve what is important for all of us”, FYROM’s foreign minister said. 20/06/2018 17:44
English Edition Editorial: Memory Believing that Greek citizens had forgotten the Macedonian issue, the government forgot people’s sensitivities, their emotional charge, their identification with historical memory, and the place that memory has in their identity. 20/06/2018 13:34
English Edition Athens has prepared letter to NATO on FYROM entryOnce Skopje conducts its referendum, if it chooses to do so in the end, and in any case after the Constitutional revision is completed, then Greece will ratify the agreement in parliament. 19/06/2018 17:06
English Edition Editorial: PrioritiesIt is impermissible to allow problems such as trash collection to fester. Problems that should have been solved yesterday cannot be put off until tomorrow. 19/06/2018 14:06
English Edition Ex-Golden Dawn MP captured, charged with preparations for high treasonIn his 15 June speech in parliament, he called upon the military to arrest the President of the Republic, the PM, and the Defence Minister, so as to block the signing of the FYROM naming agreement. 18/06/2018 18:23
English Edition Editorial: DisharmonyThe government handled the FYROM naming issue with the same anxiety as it does all others, the anxiety to register a success without taking into account the cost that citizens believe they have shouldered. 18/06/2018 16:10
English Edition Editorial: Holy GrailsDebt restructuring remained the Holy Grail of a government that had brutally taxed citizens in order to meet extremely high primary surplus targets, to which it had agreed with creditors. 16/06/2018 14:10
English Edition Golden Dawn MP calls on military to arrest PM, President, KammenosParliament Speaker Nikos Voutsis described Barbarousis’ unprecedented statement as an effort to incite violence at the demonstrations against the FYROM agreement today, tomorrow and on Sunday. 15/06/2018 15:44
English Edition Editorial: CircumstancesEven as the discussion was focused on the FYROM issue, the government passed the worst medium-term fiscal programme that the country has ever seen. 15/06/2018 14:07
English Edition Political uproar over trip of Kammenos, Prosecutor Tziva to MonacoAccording to a report in the newspaper Parapolitika, Kammenos and his wife, over the three-day Holy Spirit holiday weekend, traveled to Monaco, at the same time that Prosecutor Tziva was there. 14/06/2018 17:57
English Edition Editorial: AnswersThe question that is raised is whether the government has the democratic legitimisation to sign the agreement, when one of the two ruling coalition partners declares that he will not sign. 14/06/2018 16:01
English Edition ‘Grey zones’ in FYROM naming accord, expert saysAnother question is how and when FYROM will enter Nato. If the Nato accession process begins, it cannot be cut off. 14/06/2018 14:42
English Edition Regling praises Greece’s progress toward bailout exitRegling acknowledged that Athens has done much work on the fiscal front, and he said that Greece will be the fifth success of the eurozone. 13/06/2018 16:29
English Edition Editorial: ResponsibilityWith the name issue having tortured the two sides for decades, it becomes clear that the agreement takes on a special weight that transcends the limits of just any international agreement. 13/06/2018 15:18
English Edition Tsipras announced agreement with FYROM as ‘great diplomatic victory’Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras announced an historic agreement with FYROM PM Zoran Zaev on the naming issue and issues of identity and language that will allow Skopje to advance its membership application to Nato and the EU 12/06/2018 21:32
English Edition Karapapas’ answers attacks on MarinakisKostas Karapapas has unleashed withering charges against Thanasis Karteros (PM Alexis Tsipras’ communications advisor) and against publisher Kostas Vaxevanis. Karapapas, the director of communications for PAE Olympiacos, in a social media post, took a stand on the continuing attack against Vangelis Marinakis over the last days, from government friendly media and journalists. Kostas Karapapas’ post […] 12/06/2018 18:17
English Edition Editorial: Explosive mixtureIn FYROM, the nationalist opposition has not said its last word, and the government appears divided over domestic use of the new name. 12/06/2018 13:56
English Edition Editorial: AccountingDespite the element that binds them, which is none other than staying in power, and a political and often aesthetic alignment, it is obvious that many in SYRIZA want to rid themselves of the Independent Greeks. 11/06/2018 21:42
English Edition Optimism regarding FYROM solution after Tsipras, Zaev talks“We are in the last minutes of efforts for each side to come closer to the positions of the other, and when that happens we shall jointly announce the happy news for the residents of both countries,” Zaev said. 11/06/2018 19:48
English Edition Editorial: DialogueThe former prime minister, Kostas Karamanlis, has a duty to speak about his work and days. The distance in time is his ally, and his judge, aside from the citizenry, is history. 09/06/2018 20:58
English Edition ESM postpones disbursement of 1bn euro tranche, due to arrearsThe government received 500mn euros from March’s 5.7bn loan tranche in order to pay arrears, and it had an obligation to disburse another 500mn euros from the state budget 08/06/2018 16:35
English Edition Editorial: PuzzlementThe link between Turkish elections and provocations abroad is so obvious that it provokes puzzlement when one considers why our defence minister is fueling Turkish provocations with his statements. 08/06/2018 13:44
English Edition Cavusoglu: Turkey suspends migrant re-admission accord with Greece'We also have a bilateral [migrant] re-admission agreement with Greece, and we have frozen that agreement. The process is not over yet, but our work with Greece will continue,' said Turkey's foreign minister. 07/06/2018 17:23
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