English Edition Editorial Ta Nea: WorryThere is a double minefield on Greece’s path. The economy remains shackled by austerity policies and the danger of fiscal derailment is ever-present. 28/02/2019 23:59
English Edition Editorial: Imitations and ventriloquistsAndreas Papandreou came to power by uniting the Greeks, in contrast to Alexis Tsipras who won by dividing and governed with the same divisive rhetoric. 23/02/2019 19:06
English Edition Editorial: Upping the anteAt a cabinet meeting yesterday, the PM unleashed yet another attack on the country’s central banker, describing him as an “over-valued technocrat”. 21/02/2019 13:43
English Edition Editorial: AnnulmentOne cannot but agree that the manner in which certaing Pasok cadres moved to SYRIZA creates the impression that the PM is in panic 18/02/2019 13:52
English Edition Katrougalos promoted to Foreign Minister in cabinet reshuffleKatrougalos succeeded Tsipras who had assumed the foreign affairs portfolio after Nikos Kotzias resigned in October . 16/02/2019 00:01
English Edition Editorial: RomancesSYRIZA and the Independent Greeks party experienced their joint rule as a romance. Now, we are witnessing a rupture the characteristics of which transcend politics. 11/02/2019 14:31
English Edition Weber sees need for new government in GreeceThe EPP's Manfred Weber in Athens lionised main opposition New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis and indirectly but clearly dismissed Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras as a populist who cannot bring growth. 07/02/2019 19:00
English Edition In historic visit to Halki, Tsipras calls for re-opening of patriarchal seminaryTsipras and Ecumenical Patriarch Vartholomeos called on Turkish authorities to approve the re-opening of the historic institution which for generations was the training ground for priests and patriarchs. 06/02/2019 16:21
English Edition Editorial: VisitsPeace is not built on hasty visits. It is even more difficult to build when the country effectively lacks a foreign minister (as the PM has assumed the portfolio). 06/02/2019 14:17
English Edition Aegean de-escalation, Cyprus, energy top Erdogan, Tsipras talksTsipras expressed heightened concern over dangerous military indidents in the Aegean and he underscored the importance of the direct line of communication with Erdogan. 05/02/2019 22:18
English Edition Ankara declares bounty on Turkish officers granted asylum in GreeceThe Greek judiciary, without probing the substance of the charges, ruled that the eight qualified for immunity as they could not be assured a fair trial in Turkey. 05/02/2019 15:57
English Edition Tsipras, Erdogan to discuss full range of bilateral, regional issuesThe Greek PM described his relationship with Erdogan as one of 'respect, honesty and directness' but noted that those ties were 'challenged in very difficult moments'. 04/02/2019 21:28
English Edition Editorial: TraditionWhat will avert a repetition of the kinds of statements Mr. Erdogan made on his last visit to Greece, when he disputed even the Treaty of Lausanne? 04/02/2019 13:03
English Edition Editorial: DegradationThis government systematically attempted to manipulate democratic institutions, including the judiciary. 02/02/2019 21:42
English Edition SYRIZA wants parliamentary rule change to benefit KammenosAccording to Greek Parliamentary rules, for a political party to be recognised as a parliamentary group it must have five MPs elected on its ticket. 01/02/2019 22:55
English Edition Minimum wage rises to 650 euros monthly, Tsipras defends PrespesThe hike comes into effect in February, and 24 benefits linked to the minimum wage will also increase by extension. 28/01/2019 17:49
English Edition Editorial: Fellow travelersThe Tsipras government along with those of Austria and Italy are the only ones who have lent support to the Maduro regime. 28/01/2019 13:57
English Edition Tsipras hails new era as Parliament ratifies Prespa AgreementThere were 153 yeas, 146 nays, and one MP who declared himself present. The 145 MPs of ruling SYRIZA were joined by eight independent MPs and some from smaller parties. 25/01/2019 17:27
Έντυπη Έκδοση - English Edition In battle against Prespa Agreement, New Democracy avoids no confidence motionTop New Democracy cadres have decided against tabling a no confidence motion against the government over its handling of the Prespa Agreement amidst charges of political transactions to recruit independent or renegade MPs to ratify the accord. ND sources have told in.gr that the proposal was discussed by the party on Friday, 18 January and […] Πρώτη Δημοσιεύση:22/01/2019 17:16
English Edition Editorial: The sole pathAccess to the markets is not prohibitive for normal economies. No normal economy has been saddled with the straight-jacket of huge primary surpluses. 20/01/2019 00:45
English Edition Tsipras wins confidence vote, Prespa Accord ratification nowIn his speech, Potami MP Yorgos Amyras in parliament declared “You will find the single vote needed in tonight’s confidence vote, but you willl not find 151 votes [to ratify] the Prespa Agreement.” 17/01/2019 00:08
English Edition Mr. Tsipras’ stratagemMr. Tsipras is the second pole of the political system, opposite Mr. Mitsotakis. Moreover, no one can doubt that the other smaller parties on both the right and left will be crushed in the heightened polarisation. 16/01/2019 14:12
English Edition Tsipras, Mitsotakis cross swords in confidence vote on economy, political ethics, FYROMTsipras also accused New Democracy of tolerating the attacks and death threats issued by ND cadres and sent to MPs who plan to support the government. 15/01/2019 16:10
English Edition Editorial: CountdownThe PM engaged in petty partisan bargaining with his former coalition partner in the hope of ensuring his own interests. 14/01/2019 14:01
English Edition Kammenos leaves cabinet, Tsipras scampers for parliamentary majorityKammenos has been replaced by Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, until now Greece’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 13/01/2019 21:49
English Edition Ruling coalition collapses, Tsipras seeks confidence voteKammenos has been replaced as defence minister by Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis, until now Greece’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. 13/01/2019 21:38
English Edition Editorial: OpportunismThe climate that the PM and his junior coalition partner have cultivated is a far cry from political stability. 12/01/2019 22:52
English Edition Editorial: CyclesThe party of the prime minister, SYRIZA, was among the political forces that exploited the indignation citizens and indeed fueled it. 11/01/2019 18:20
English Edition Merkel praises Tsipras for Prespa Accord, stresses continued reforms'This is not the end of reforms but rather the beginning. The problems have not entirely been transcended,' Merkel said. 10/01/2019 23:57
English Edition Editorial: Throwing in the towelYesterday it became clear that the prime minister has definitively lost the ability to call the shots with inititiatives on the political stage. 10/01/2019 21:06
English Edition Parliamentary majority hangs in the balance, snap election possibleAt a crucial meeting on 11 January, junior coalition partner Panos Kammenos will make clear whether he and his party will continue to be part of the government’s parliamentary majority 10/01/2019 00:53
English Edition Mitsotakis declares Tsipras, SYRIZA a threat to democracy'The dark face of the Tsipras administration casts a heavy shadow on our democracy because when the judiciary is used as a tool for political prosecution democracy is imperiled'. 09/01/2019 22:46
English Edition Editorial: PreconditionsMinority governments can function effectively in countries in which there is a climate of consensus and in which political culture is not betrayed by divisive rhetoric. 03/01/2019 13:48
English Edition Alternate Health Minister engages in judicial meddling, againPolakis latest Facebook post has been roundly criticised by opposition parties for trampling on the separation of powers and for essentially doing the dirty work on behalf of the PM. 02/01/2019 19:51
English Edition Tsipras giving handouts from non-existent horn of plenty FAZ reports'Even the dread ENFIA real estate tax will be reduced [slightly] and there will be a hike in the minimum wage, which is now 586 euros gross monthly' 02/01/2019 15:01
English Edition Tsipras, Zaev rally forces to pass Prespa AccordThere are concerns in Greece that MPs who have declared their support may switch at the last moment, so as to ensure their political survival in the general election. 02/01/2019 13:04