English Edition Editorial: DecayIn sacrificing his foreign minister for the sake of the defence minister, the prime minister yesterday made a clear choice. He chose to remain in power at all costs, instead of governmental normalcy. 18/10/2018 13:51
English Edition Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias resigns after clash with government’s junior coalition partner Panos KammenosThe resignation comes straight on the heels of yesterday’s stormy cabinet meeting, during which Kotzias lambasted Defence Minister Panos Kammenos, Tsipras’ junior coalition partner, after Kammenos on an official visit to Washington trashed the government’s Greece-FYROM Prespa Agreement and presented his own “Plan B”. 17/10/2018 18:21
English Edition SYRIZA, Independent Greeks coalition to continue, despite rising frictionsThe two party leaders reiterated their intention to continue their political collaboration in the coalition government at least until March, when the Prespa Agreement is expected to be tabled in the Greek Parliament 16/10/2018 16:20
English Edition Zoran Zaev and the burden of the Balkan past'Since the referendum was consultative, and not mandatory, it is now up to the Members of Parliament, chosen by the people, to make a decision respecting and following the interests of the citizens, the country and their personal duty,' Zaev told Ta Nea in an exclusive interview. 13/10/2018 20:40
English Edition Steinmeier apologises for Nazi atrocities, rejects Greek reparations claimsPresident Prokopis Pavlopoulos issued a thinly veiled call for the two countries to agree to take the issue to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. 12/10/2018 00:09
English Edition Editorial: RagWhat would Greece receive in return by turning the country into a US military base? How would it be shielded in terms of defence? 11/10/2018 22:26
English Edition Kotzias, Dimitrov had agreed to name ‘Republic of Ilinden Macedonia’ in Greece-FYROM naming talksThe government has not answered basic questions about secret understandings reached by Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias and PM Alexis Tsipras [with the FYROM side], behind the back of opposition parties and the Greek people. 02/10/2018 17:34
English Edition Wounded by his stance on Greece-FYROM accord, Kammenos seeks to muzzle pressPanos Kammenos is on edge because his party literally disintegrated, both in the polls and on the level of cadres. 25/09/2018 11:56
English Edition Alexis Tsipras to hold talks with representatives of investment giants in New YorkMeetings have been arranged with executives of the Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley, as well as with representatives of large investment groups and capital management funds. 21/09/2018 16:40
English Edition Klaus Regling links debt relief for Greece to implementation of reforms'We are a very patient creditor, but we can stop the debt relief measures that we have agreed to with Greece, if the adjustment programme does not continue as we have agreed.' 10/09/2018 20:57
English Edition How Tsipras, SYRIZA became best friends with the AmericansThe strategic cooperation of the two sides is now very deep. Athens has entirely embraced the “US energy doctrine”, which seeks to isolate Russia. 09/09/2018 23:08
English Edition Editorial: DancesLet the PM do what is necessary to regain the trust of creditors and investors, with the knowledge that this will not include drums and packages of handouts 06/09/2018 14:18
English Edition Editorial: PerformanceThe prime minister apparently believes that with communications shows, a tragic event will cease being tragic 05/09/2018 15:30
06/03/2025 15:40 Κρούσματα γρίπης των πτηνών στις λίμνες της Ελλάδας – Κίνδυνος να επαναληφθεί η καταστροφή του 2022
06/03/2025 15:17 Τουλάχιστον τέσσερις νεκροί σε νέα ρωσική πυραυλική επίθεση σε ξενοδοχείο της Ουκρανίας