English Edition Op-ed: Charting a course for climate action'According to the International Energy Agency, more than half of the additional emissions reductions required to meet the Paris Agreement aims could be gained at no extra cost to electricity customers. 04/11/2021 22:12
Uncategorized Editorial: TrustThe past spectacle of the government targeting the central banker should not be repeated. It is an institution that is not fertile ground for political skirmishes. 13/05/2020 23:32
English Edition Editorial: TimeOne must not forget that in the management of the economic crisis of the previous decade much time was lost before ECB chief Mario Draghi’s decision to guarantee the viability of the common currency. 21/04/2020 10:48
English Edition Editorial: Let logic prevailThere are now better prospects of lowering Greece's primary surpus targets and incoming ECB chief Christine Lagarde has spoken of something between 1.5% and 2%. 05/09/2019 16:37
English Edition Editorial: BattleIt is thE obstinate devotion to unbending rules which over the last years has nurtured the monster of populism. 04/09/2019 20:37
English Edition Editorial: Crises The country is at risk of not receiving the profits – amounting to approximately one billion euros - on Greek bonds held by the European Central Bank. 20/02/2019 16:21
English Edition Ex-PM Simitis debunks SYRIZA success story, upbeat on EU’s futureThe former premier stressed the need for a common European policy that suits the contemporary transcendence of borders and that will reflect the needs and particularities of European nations. 31/12/2018 20:44
English Edition Bundesbank chief visits Athens to be briefed on reforms'Over the past few years, people in Germany, myself included, have sympathised deeply as Greece has fought to repair its economy,' Weidmann said. 30/08/2018 22:28