English Edition Ankara declares bounty on Turkish officers granted asylum in GreeceThe Greek judiciary, without probing the substance of the charges, ruled that the eight qualified for immunity as they could not be assured a fair trial in Turkey. 05/02/2019 15:57
English Edition Sabah: Ankara knows where eight Turkish officers are being hiddenIn a story entitled “Greece and US shielding the traitors”, Sabah reported that over 200 people are now guarding the Turkish officers, and that the cost of that security is one million euros monthly. 11/09/2018 18:52
18/11/2024 14:19 ΣΥΡΙΖΑ για Τέμπη: Το «χαμένο» βίντεο αποτελεί ένα ακόμη κομμάτι που συνθέτει το παζλ του «μπαζώματος»
18/11/2024 14:27 ΚΚΕ για Τέμπη: Η απώλεια κρίσιμου βιντεοληπτικού υλικού είναι μια ακόμη απόδειξη της απόπειρας συγκάλυψης