English Edition Editorial: ModestyIn just a few phrases and without a stentorian delivery, adoration of antiquity, or grandiose turns of phrase, Ekaterini Sakellaropoulou laid out her vision for the new Greece that the PM has pledged to establish. 23/01/2020 23:03
English Edition Editorial: A victory for democracyPresident-elect Ekaterini Sakellaropoulou symbolises the restoration of normalcy in the country as well as Greece’s passage to a new era with greater consensus and less toxicity. 23/01/2020 02:39
English Edition President-elect Sakellaropoulou to focus on defending rights, sovereigntyThe inter-party consensus in election included New Democracy, main opposition SYRIZA, and the centre-left Movement for Change. Many expressed hopes that this political consensus may be maintained . 22/01/2020 23:38
English Edition In historic move, Mitsotakis taps Council of State chief to serve as first woman presidentSakellaropoulou is noted, Mitsotakis said, for her 'groundbreaking rulings for the right balance between protecting the environment and economic development'. 16/01/2020 01:44
22/11/2024 14:26 Κέρδισε 1.3 εκ. δολάρια σε τζάκποτ και τα έχασε όλα επειδή δεν το είπε στο σύζυγό της
22/11/2024 14:10 Μητσοτάκης: Το Δημόσιο θα αναλάβει την αποκατάσταση της πολυκατοικίας στους Αμπελόκηπους