English Edition Editorial: Skewed perceptionsWealthy real estate owners remain untaxed because the system of “objective” valuations has not extended to the entire country, especially to areas outside of city plans.. 23/09/2019 11:20
English Edition Editorial: On the slyThe promised abolition of the bailout memorandum with one article in one law was nothing less than a promise that life would return to pre-crisis levels. 01/11/2018 14:07
English Edition Editorial: AbsurdityThe ENFIA real estate tax was institutionalised in order to serve the objective of the government – skinning the taxpayer in order to pledge handouts before the general election. 30/08/2018 14:23
English Edition Editorial: Adventure'The ENFIA real estate tax is so unjust that it cannot be corrected, and it must be abolished,” SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras had said at the Thessaloniki International Fair in September, 2014 17/08/2018 15:40
21/11/2024 13:59 Πολάκης: Με εντολή Κασσελάκη στέρησαν από τον ΣΥΡΙΖΑ τη θέση της αξιωματικής αντιπολίτευσης
21/11/2024 06:55 Αλ Τσαντίρι Νιούζ: Όταν ο Λάκης Λαζόπουλος συνάντησε τον Νίκο Ευαγγελάτο στον… Λευκό Οίκο
22/11/2024 08:28 «Νέα δίκη Ντρέιφους»: Η αντίδραση Νετανιάχου μετά το ένταλμα του Διεθνούς Ποινικού Δικαστηρίου