English Edition Editorial: Vigilance in handling energy crisisThere is a positive basis for the Greek government’s proposal for a ceiling on gas prices, which some time ago seemed outlandish but today has gained ground. 28/09/2022 22:13
English Edition Editorial: LessonsAll Europeans appear to have realised that aside from being an economic superpower, the EU must also be a military power in order to maintain its current position. 02/06/2022 21:08
English Edition Editorial: OpportunityAside from French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian PM Mario Draghi, Athens also enjoys the support of European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde. 22/10/2021 15:20
English Edition Editorial: Merkel’s disappointmentΙt is clear that the German chancellor is aiming for something more that the (definitive?) return of the Turkish research vessel “Oruc Reis” to its base. She has underlined that the EU has channeled much effort into improving its relations with Turkey. 01/12/2020 22:49
English Edition Editorial: OpportunityFollowing tough, EU-wide negotiations at the European Council, the Greek prime minister’s gains are not limited to the financial package. 22/07/2020 20:15
English Edition EU leaders get tough on Turkey over Cyprus, order list of sanctions'The European Council endorses the invitation to the Commission and the EEAS to submit options for appropriate measures without delay, including targeted measures,' the summit conclusions stated. 21/06/2019 17:50
19/12/2024 18:04 «Το επώνυμο ‘Ντε Γκρες’ είναι προβληματικό» λέει ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ για την ιθαγένεια στην τέως βασιλική οικογένεια
19/12/2024 15:00 Στόχος ληστών δύο τράπεζες με διαφορά λίγων λεπτών στη Νέα Ιωνία - Αναζητούνται οι δράστες
19/12/2024 15:22 Κοινή επιστολή Ελλάδας – Κύπρου – Αυστρίας για ορισμό ειδικού απεσταλμένου της ΕΕ στη Συρία
19/12/2024 15:42 Λουκέτο στην OPAP Arena: Στον Εισαγγελέα, η έκθεση της Αστυνομίας – Με βαριά καμπάνα απειλείται η ΑΕΚ
19/12/2024 20:18 «Μετά από μια δύσκολη χρονιά» – Ο πρίγκιπας Γουίλιαμ και η Κέιτ Μίντλετον ποζάρουν με τα παιδιά τους και χαμογελούν