English Edition Editorial Ta Nea: WorryThere is a double minefield on Greece’s path. The economy remains shackled by austerity policies and the danger of fiscal derailment is ever-present. 28/02/2019 23:59
English Edition Tsakalotos agrees with Mitsotakis on need to cut primary surplus targetsThe Finance Minister said the estimated cost of New Democracy’s announcements so far is 5bn euros in the first year and another 4bn over the next four years and that ND has not said where the money will come from. 21/02/2019 18:44
English Edition Government criticised for placing big primary surplus above growthGreece's 7.6bn euro primary surplus for the first 11 months of 2018 (about four percent of GDP), was a whopping 2.8bn euros more than the Greek finance ministry's predicted. 08/01/2019 21:13
English Edition Tsakalotos: ‘All banks have exceeded targets as regards the resolution of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and have passed the stress tests’“All banks have exceeded targets as regards the resolution of Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) and have passed the stress tests,” Tsakalotos stressed, noting that all four banks have capital adequacy and that there has been a rise in deposits. 04/10/2018 17:35
English Edition Government launches process of raising minimum wageThe procedure provides for consultations between the social partners and the government, with the participation of expert academics, research institutes and experts on labour economics, social policy, and labour relations. 20/09/2018 21:01