English Edition Editorial: The ECB interest rates ‘prescription’There are two sides of the same coin, and the choice of the “iron lady” of Frankfurt to hike the interest rates will have a series of repercussions on daily life. 09/09/2022 21:56
English Edition Editorial: Messages from the marketsIf there is one thing that the European debt crisis has taught us it is that if one eurozone member is under attack from the markets, all of them are in danger in the end. 26/08/2022 23:48
English Edition Editorial: With mind and heartDevelopments in the European Union’s third largest economy unfortunately do not impact solely on Italian domestic affairs. They concern the entire Union. 22/07/2022 21:45
English Edition Op-Ed: Greece’s securityThe next step and visionary objective is also linked to Europe, and it is the development of a common European defence – with Macron’s rationale – European sovereignty. 31/01/2022 23:58
English Edition Merkel says she ‘demanded much of the Greeks’ but it was necessary to protect the common currency'The difficulties were a given when the issue was the stability of the euro, and I personally was absolutely cognisant of the excessive burden and challenge that this entailed for the people of Greece.' 29/10/2021 17:09
English Edition Editorial: Compromises For the eurozone member-states to transcend their differences and strike a deal it took tough negotiations of the kind to which the EU is accustomed. 12/04/2020 23:16
English Edition Editorial: DwarfThe government is indifferent to the fact that the chaos in Italy can lead to a new Greek tragedy. It is handling the banks with incredible shoddiness. 10/10/2018 13:56
English Edition German Chancellery does not confirming backing for rescinding of pension cuts, stresses reformsAsked by Ta Nea about pension cuts, Angela Merkel's office has signaled that the Greek government must stay the course of reforms, as agreed to this past summer, upon the completion of the third and last bailout memorandum. 05/10/2018 14:37
English Edition EU official puts the brakes on talk of not implementing pension cuts'The decision on pensions has been taken, is crystal clear, and has already been agreed to by the Greece,' said an EU official 31/08/2018 12:56
16/03/2025 20:58 «Ίσως ήμουν ένας Τζέιμς Μποντ, αλλά πρότεινα τον Ντάνιελ Κρεγκ. Δεν ξέρω γιατί»: Ο Μάικλ Φασμπέντερ μετανιώνει
16/03/2025 18:15 Βόρεια Μακεδονία: Πέντε εισαγγελείς ανέλαβαν την έρευνα για την πυρκαγιά με τους 59 νεκρούς στη ντίσκο
16/03/2025 17:46 Με ταχύτατους ρυθμούς λιώνουν οι πάγοι στην Γροιλανδία - Φωτογραφία δείχνει χάσκι να περπατάνε στο νερό
16/03/2025 22:37 ΠΑΣΟΚ για Δοξιάδη: Ο «επικοινωνιακός αέρας» της δήθεν επανεκκίνησης δεν κράτησε ούτε 48 ώρες
16/03/2025 22:30 Φάμελλος: Η παραίτηση-ρεκόρ Δοξιάδη επιβεβαιώνει ότι ο ανασχηματισμός Μητσοτάκη δεν τον σώζει από την τελική πτώση
16/03/2025 21:37 Ούτε το φανάρι δεν είδε από το αλκοόλ η 22χρονη που έσπειρε τον θάνατο στο Περιστέρι