Ελλάδα Η Google αφιερώνει το σημερινό της doodle στην επέτειο της Ελληνικής ΕπανάστασηςΗ σημαία της Ελλάδας κυματίζει στον ουρανό στο σημερινό doodle 25/03/2023 08:55
English Edition Egypt and Greece: from historical friendship to strategic partnershipAmbassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Athens 24/02/2023 18:18
English Edition Greece, Turkey declare their satisfaction with results of NATO summitErdogan clearly indicated that he got what he wanted from the deal regarding Sweden and Finland, and that declared he would leave the summit with his 'hands full'. 29/06/2022 22:34
English Edition Kosovo FM Donika Gervalla–Schwarz: ‘We are not begging for recognition from Greece’The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Kosovo asks Athens to play a mediating role in the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue, while emphasisng her country’s Western orientation. 24/01/2022 14:06
English Edition Editorial: FluidityThe State Department wanted to allay concerns and maintained that the US wants to actively support regional efforts to bolster cooperation and stability. 11/01/2022 12:20
English Edition Editorial: OpportunityAside from French President Emmanuel Macron and Italian PM Mario Draghi, Athens also enjoys the support of European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde. 22/10/2021 15:20
English Edition Editorial: Merkel’s departureIntroversion, moderation, and cautiousness are the basic elements that always characterised the outgoing chancellor, according to a biography that will soon be available in Greek. 02/10/2021 15:23
English Edition Tempest in a teapot: The attacks on Archbishop Elpidophoros and foreign policy stuntsAll previous archbishops at least from Athenagoras (later Ecumenical Patriarch) on, have met and maintained good relations with the US president of the day and are invited to the White House 23/09/2021 04:19
English Edition Editorial: Drawing boundaries It is exceptionally important for Greece and Cyprus to resoundingly signal their unity and to build a front against Ankara’s actions within the EU. 13/07/2021 16:05
English Edition Editorial: PersistenceAthens has been offered a great opportunity to exploit the European wave of dissatisfaction with Ankara by responding calmly to provocations, and persistently highlighting Ankara’s violations of Greece’s sovereignty in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean. 27/10/2020 19:43
English Edition Editorial: New realities in CyprusWith the election of Erdogan’s chosen candidate, Ersin Tatar, many believe that Ankara’s control over the occupied territories will be even tighter and more glaring. 20/10/2020 22:58
English Edition Editorial: Endurance test Greece has openly expressed its willingness to commence a substantial dialogue with Turkey which both the EU and the US strongly support. 16/10/2020 20:42
English Edition Editorial: InvestmentsGreece is obliged to implement the necessary reforms so that it can lure investments in the context of the green transition. 06/10/2020 21:50
English Edition Editorial: The EU pandemic recovery planThe procedures agreed to by the EU partners in order to disburse EU funds to each member-state is a great opportunity for Greece at long last to craft and acquire ownership of its own reform programme. 24/09/2020 22:49
English Edition Editorial: A new EU vitalityOn the refugee-migration issue and the situation in Moria European Commission President declared that the Dublin Regulation concerning migration must be replaced 17/09/2020 22:31
English Edition Pompeo rushes to ease Eastern Mediterranean tension, calls for pullback of Greek, Turkish forces, dialogue'The Germans have done a good job trying to diplomatically get them to begin their conversations about how to proceed. We hope they’ll be real conversations and we hope the military assets that are there will be withdrawn so these conversations can take place,; Pompeo said. 11/09/2020 22:43
English Edition Editorial: ProtectionClearly, the government has no choice but to support suffering citizens, but eventually that will be well nigh impossible without the support and solidarity of Greece’s EU partners. 31/03/2020 19:39
English Edition Editorial: The EU’s responsibilityThe reinforcements and equipment το guard the Greek-Turkish borders are welcome and are the product of the cognisance of the fact that this is not a problem between Greece and Turkey but rather between the EU and Turkey. 04/03/2020 18:43
English Edition Editorial: CrisisErdogan has established an authoritarian regime which as all such regimes is afraid of its own shadow and the political system remains deeply divided. 20/02/2020 19:46
English Edition Electronic prescriptions a much-needed push toward digital modernisationWe are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution which offers an opportunity for Greece to find its place on the international map, but that cannot come about with the tools, practices, and thinking of the previous century. 03/02/2020 17:20
English Edition Haftar in Athens, Greece to veto EU approval of Libya peace deal if MOU with Turkey not canceled'We are asking why Greece has not been invited to the Berlin Conference. Is it because Greece is supposedly not one of the countries affected by the clash?' Haftar’s Libyan National Army said in a statement. 17/01/2020 00:01
English Edition Editorial: Message of PeaceOne benefit of the EastMed pipeline for Greece is that it builds a stronger alliance with Israel in both the energy sector and security and the agreement is clear about that. 03/01/2020 16:25
English Edition Editorial: AdvantagesTurkey is becoming isolated due to a policy characterised by excessive ambition and a complete lack of prudence. 02/01/2020 15:39
English Edition Editorial: The mythGreece is confronted by serious challenges. It must adjust its tools, exploit the possibilities offered by new means of communication, and display realism. 27/12/2019 13:43
English Edition Editorial: ChannelsGreece is also taking initiatives in the Middle East such as the foreign minister’s trip to Libya and Egypt yesterday, 23/12/2019 13:41
English Edition Ankara does not rule out ICJ case with Greece, but which time there may be de facto situations at seaCavusoglu underiines that provisions in the Lausanne treaty should be enforced based on mutual understanding, as it is the cornerstone of the contemporary Turkish Republic. 22/12/2019 18:06
English Edition Editorial: HaemorrhageCountries such as The Netherlands have created programmes to attract highly specialised citizens who are working abroad back to their country.. 13/12/2019 21:14
English Edition Editorial: MessagesThe most recent example of EU solidarity is the decision of the governments of France and Italy to send one frigate each to Cyprus. 12/12/2019 20:34
English Edition Editorial: AlarmA toxic combination of the aging of the population, a low birth rate, and the explosion of flexible forms of employment will have an enormous cost as a study in Ta Nea underlines. 11/12/2019 22:17
English Edition Editorial: PowerNaturally, democracy must prevail but that presupposes fair and free elections and respect for the popular will. 12/11/2019 23:26
English Edition Editorial: StorksIn other word, low birth rates have a specific cause. The storks are not coming due to the economic situation of young people and the absence of state assistance. 01/11/2019 14:58
English Edition Editorial: ImpasseThis is a national problem that requires a solution for people who abandoned their countries to seek a better life elsewhere. Greece cannot absorb all these migrant flows. 01/10/2019 22:30
English Edition Editorial: SolutionDeniers do not only imperil the lives of their children, but they also expose the lives of other children as the disease is transmissible. 22/09/2019 23:05
English Edition Editorial: DutyTthe draft legislation allowing Greek abroad to vote should be backed by all parliamentary parties. 15/09/2019 16:17
English Edition Editorial: LessonMigrant flows cannot be handled without EU authorities participating and standing by Greece and without a fair distribution of the burden among members in the asylum process. 02/09/2019 12:37
English Edition Editorial: Mitsotakis’ great anti-smoking wagerThere is another incredible resistance by certain doctors and nurses who smoke in hospitals, offering a terrible example and outrageously violating their duties. 07/08/2019 22:25
10/03/2025 19:41 «Εδρασε αυτοβούλως» – Αδειάζει τον βουλευτής της η «Νίκη» για τον βανδαλισμό στην Εθνική Πινακοθήκη
10/03/2025 22:20 Οι αδίστακτοι μαφιόζοι που ήθελαν να κυριαρχήσουν στην Ελλάδα - Δολοφονίες και ποσά που ζαλίζουν