English Edition Editorial: No room for complacencyThe Greek government justifiably appears satisfied with Turkey’s first move toward de-escalation without concessions from Athens and with a halt of provocations 16/09/2020 07:02
English Edition Pompeo rushes to ease Eastern Mediterranean tension, calls for pullback of Greek, Turkish forces, dialogue'The Germans have done a good job trying to diplomatically get them to begin their conversations about how to proceed. We hope they’ll be real conversations and we hope the military assets that are there will be withdrawn so these conversations can take place,; Pompeo said. 11/09/2020 22:43
English Edition Editorial: A national policy lineNato for decades and until now has chosen a policy of equal distances, and so today’s meeting is crucial because the allies will have to take a clear stand on the perilous conflict. 09/09/2020 18:53
English Edition Editorial: DialogueTurkish policy - or “provocative behaviour” as Athens terms it - should under no circumstances act as a hindrance in pursuing a bilateral dialogue. 06/02/2020 19:16
English Edition Katrougalos stresses dialogue with Turkey based on international law'We are attempting to de-escalate tensions in the Aegean - which entail dangers of an accident – with continuing discussions on implementation of Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) agreed to over the last decades.' 18/06/2019 20:35
19/12/2024 18:04 «Το επώνυμο ‘Ντε Γκρες’ είναι προβληματικό» λέει ο ΣΥΡΙΖΑ για την ιθαγένεια στην τέως βασιλική οικογένεια
19/12/2024 15:00 Στόχος ληστών δύο τράπεζες με διαφορά λίγων λεπτών στη Νέα Ιωνία - Αναζητούνται οι δράστες
19/12/2024 15:22 Κοινή επιστολή Ελλάδας – Κύπρου – Αυστρίας για ορισμό ειδικού απεσταλμένου της ΕΕ στη Συρία
19/12/2024 15:42 Λουκέτο στην OPAP Arena: Στον Εισαγγελέα, η έκθεση της Αστυνομίας – Με βαριά καμπάνα απειλείται η ΑΕΚ
19/12/2024 19:27 Ξεκαρδιστικό βίντεο! Flat Earther πάει μέχρι την Ανταρκτική για να δει πως η Γη είναι σφαιρική