Ελλάδα Δριμύ «κατηγορώ» από τους συγγενείς θυμάτων στο ΜάτιΣτα δικαστήρια της πρώην Σχολής Ευελπίδων βρέθηκαν και σήμερα πολλοί συγγενείς θυμάτων 07/11/2022 12:22
Ελλάδα Ξεκινά σήμερα η δίκη για τη φονική πυρκαγιά στο ΜάτιΟι κατηγορούμενοι ανά περίπτωση θα δικαστούν για τα αδικήματα της ανθρωποκτονίας από αμέλεια κατά συρροή δια παραλείψεως από υπόχρεους και μη, αλλά και της πρόκλησης σωματικών βλαβών κατά συρροή δια παραλείψεως. 31/10/2022 09:39
English Edition Editorial: CallousnessA state that does not rush to offer relief to citizens who have suffered a tragedy, is neither slow nor bureaucratic - it is simply callous 31/08/2018 14:02
English Edition Editorial: MemoriesThe dead are not just a number, but people with flesh and bones. The reading of the names was the fulfilment of a duty to remember them as people, so that they will not be forgotten. 27/08/2018 16:39
English Edition Barrage of lawsuits filed by Mati fire victims target government ministers, officialsThe lawsuit targets Interior Minister Panos Skourletis, former public order minister Nikos Toskas, Attica Prefect Rena Dourou, former civil protection chief Ioannis Kapakis and Marathon Mayor Elias Psinakis 17/08/2018 18:52
English Edition Editorial: MemoryOur approach and conviction, just as that of all creditable newspapers in the world, is that we publish the truth, regardless of the name and identity of the publisher, and that we check power, of whatever stripe 14/08/2018 15:54
English Edition First lawsuits filed by families of the Mati tragedy, with charges of manslaughter, criminal negligenceA lawyer for the family of victims in the deadly Mati fire has attributed blame to the Attica Prefecture, the Fire Service, and municipalities. 14/08/2018 14:18
English Edition State seizes disaster aid from bank account of fire victim for back taxesWhen a fire victim went to the bank to make a 1,200 euro withdrawal, after his 5,000 euro benefit had been deposited, he discovered that the remaining 3,800 euros had been seized by the state to cover back taxes 14/08/2018 13:05
English Edition Editorial: Two worldsNot having much else to show, Alexis Tsipras looks after his image, and he takes care not to let anything unexpected blemish it. 12/08/2018 18:46
20/12/2024 12:58 «Δεν ήμουν ο πατέρας που ήθελες» – Το συγγνώμη του Ντένις Ρόντμαν στην κόρη του Τρίνιτι
20/12/2024 12:41 Έκτακτο δελτίο επιδείνωσης του καιρού – Καταιγίδες, κρύο και βροχές τις επόμενες ώρες
20/12/2024 12:37 Mercedes-Benz: Εγκριση για αυτόνομη οδήγηση επιπέδου 3 με ταχύτητα έως 95 km/h στη Γερμανία