English Edition Editorial: Never againThe horror, pain, and irrationality of the Mati fire should become a springboard for a restart of the state and of a flexible civil protection authority that will not used for political skirmishes. 05/12/2022 22:43
English Edition Editorial: A state insult to the memory of Mati wildfire victimsThis case involves the victims of the negligence of the state and of its failure to effectively manage one of the biggest natural disasters in our recent history. 31/05/2022 15:10
English Edition Editorial: Everything must come to lightThe 102 dead in the Mati wildfire were never forgotten by their their loved ones, nor by those who saw the fire raging all night in live broadcasts and then saw the anguish of survivors. 13/10/2021 16:07
English Edition Editorial: We must not forget the Mati disasterSome were negligent, some proved incompetent or unable to meet the challenge, some stood by as onlookers as the fire spread, “like Xerxes” as the investigating magistrate’s report stated. 25/07/2021 19:51
English Edition Editorial: DutyThe government and SYRIZA are preoccupied with arguing even as the residents of Mati grapple with the invisible threat under their feet – the asbestos that remains on dozens of properties. 18/02/2020 23:35
English Edition Editorial: DutyThere are responsibilities for the extent of the tragedy, and on top of those responsibilitities one must add the responsibilities of the perpetual crime that one has witnessed over the last year. 21/07/2019 23:51
English Edition Editorial: Alarm bellsSuffice it to say that the list of areas that pose an increased fire risk has not been updated since 1984. 01/06/2019 20:49
English Edition Editorial: No time to wasteWhat firefighting plan can be implemented when firefighting patrol cars are parked due to lack of personnel, as a related report confirms? 22/05/2019 14:56
English Edition Twenty politicians, state officials charged for Mati wildfireGreek Police and Fire Service officials have also been charged in the case, as has a 65-year-old man who was responsible for starting the initial fire in Daou Pentelis. 05/03/2019 20:39
English Edition Heroic migrant fishermen of Mati receive Greek citizenship'It is the least indication of gratitude and honour toward these people from the Greek state, as they are an example to be emulated due to their self-sacrifice and their contribution to society,' said Interior Minister Alexis Haritsis. 31/12/2018 14:01
English Edition Editorial: JusticeThere have been complaints by the fire-stricken in Mati, Attica, that after the assurances of ministers that there will be a full restoration of the area, there has been radio silence. 21/09/2018 13:04
English Edition Editorial: BarbarismA government which is not ashamed and afraid when confronted with mourning lacks political culture. 14/09/2018 15:44
English Edition EU disaster aid in the works for fire-ravaged MatiA broad majority in a plenary session of the European Parliament approved a resolution to support the fire-ravaged area of Mati, Attica, with EU funding. 13/09/2018 23:44
English Edition Editorial: PerformanceThe prime minister apparently believes that with communications shows, a tragic event will cease being tragic 05/09/2018 15:30
English Edition Charges of government cover-up of Mati wildfire administrative responsibilitiesFormer Fire Service deputy chief Andrianos Gourbatsis has sent an open letter to Citizen’s Protection Minister Olga Gerovasili and Deputy Minister Katerina Papakosta requesting that the ministry launch an administrative investigation of the Mati wildfire. 03/09/2018 19:36
English Edition Ministerial responsibility law key in judicial probe of Mati fireUnder the law, only parliament and not the judiciary can probe the criminal responsibility of ministers, who are also granted an exceptionally short statute of limitations, almost always leading to their evading prosecution. 23/08/2018 19:51
English Edition Editorial: MemoryA government that had social services at the top of its agenda, would have been the first to tend to the relief of the fire-stricken and would have made sure that their tragedy will not be forgotten 23/08/2018 13:50
06/03/2025 15:40 Κρούσματα γρίπης των πτηνών στις λίμνες της Ελλάδας – Κίνδυνος να επαναληφθεί η καταστροφή του 2022
06/03/2025 15:17 Τουλάχιστον τέσσερις νεκροί σε νέα ρωσική πυραυλική επίθεση σε ξενοδοχείο της Ουκρανίας