English Edition Editorial: TemptationsIt is absolutely necessary to tone down the rhetoric and to not give the impression that Ankara’s sabre-rattling can influence Greek domestic politics. 19/06/2019 01:20
English Edition Editorial: YouthNo other government promised so much only to break one after another of the pledges that it handed out right and left. 10/06/2019 03:14
English Edition Tsipras struggles to resuscitate devastated ruling partySYRIZA will “take into account the message of citizens by turning our attention to the future of Greek society while at the same time waging the battle of ideas in order to achieve the goal of victory in the general election”. 30/05/2019 19:14
English Edition Editorial: ErrorsThe Greek Police Chief has also been spotted and photographed at political party gatherings in the provincial cities of Agrinio and Xanthi. Was he overseeing security as he sat in the first row there as well? 29/05/2019 16:10
English Edition Government considering 7 July general election date, after university entrance examsThe exams involve tens of thousands of families, many of which must travel long distances to cast their ballots because they have chosen to retain their voting rights in their ancestral provinces. 28/05/2019 16:24
English Edition Editorial: Elections were the only optionThe decimation of the ruling party cannot be intrerpreted as a huge victory for the main opposition party. 27/05/2019 18:43
English Edition ND enters general election race with air of victory, SYRIZA devastatedTsipras opted for a major gamble by framing the election as a referendum on his stimulus package and for the first time in nearly four years he lost the bet. 27/05/2019 15:47
English Edition Tsipras calls for snap election in June after stinging defeat in EU poll 'The electoral result does not satisfy me and I will not ignore it…I cannot ignore it. The final verdict is always delivered by the people. I will not escape,' the PM said. 27/05/2019 01:28
English Edition SYRIZA trails ND in Europarliament election exit pollThe looming question now is whether the PM will call a general election immediately or wait until October when his term ends in an effort to turn the tide. 26/05/2019 21:07
English Edition Editorial: YachtsWhat national interest is served by having film industry executives and ministry staff traveling on a regular passenger ship to see Greece’s beauties even as the competent deputy minister was sailing on a yacht? 21/05/2019 14:48
English Edition Editorial: DisappointmentThe queues of pensioners at ATMs the day the first pension bonus was disbursed demonstrated how much retirees need that money to cover their living needs. 20/05/2019 17:45
English Edition Editorial: CrimeThe government exceeded primary surplus targets by taking from the many so as to hand out electoral benefits to the few. 19/05/2019 02:27
English Edition Editorial: OffenceFive months ago Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras inaugurated the metro there with a ticket vending machine that was painted on canvas as a backdrop. 17/05/2019 19:11
English Edition Editorial: TempestsThe UK has suffered both a domestic and foreign policy shock brought on by Grexit 13/05/2019 14:38
English Edition Editorial: In secretIt is impermissible for a prime minister to be hosted on a yacht by a private citizen who in turn receives from the PM a public office, a diplomatic passport, and a nomination to gain membership in an international organisation. 09/05/2019 15:32
English Edition Prospect of defeat creates fissures in ruling SYRIZA party The government’s slew of handout and social benefits that are designed to lure voters does not appear to have substantially improved SYRIZA’s polling numbers. 30/04/2019 14:49
English Edition Editorial: ParalysisGiven the current impasse and the dark electoral projections the only card the PM has left is snap elections. 28/04/2019 23:53
English Edition Editorial: DeplorableThe Left has always been proud of its moral stance. That moral stance was demolished by the left-wing SYRIZA government. 24/04/2019 17:46
English Edition Marinakis: Minister Pappas asked me to pay 26mn euros for Kalogritsas to get TV licenseMarinakis told Real FM in a no-holds barred interview that Pappas told him that he had briefed Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras about the meetings and the request. 18/04/2019 14:20
English Edition Editorial: TerrifiedWhat remains to be seen is whether the government was unaware of the murky activities and ties between SYRIZA cadres on the one hand and Artemiou and Petsitis on the other. 10/04/2019 13:48
English Edition Editorial: The rule Left-wing and right-wing populism do not differ much. as they are based on the same type of rhetoric and lies and they deceive citizens in the same manner. 14/03/2019 14:59
English Edition Stournaras asks Tsipras to protect Bank of Greece independence, blasts Polakis'I directly call upon the Prime Minister and the government to take action to protect the independence of the Bank of Greece, which is guaranteed by both European and Greek law,' said Greece's central banker. 19/02/2019 17:19
English Edition ‘I am not being blackmailed’ PM Alexis Tsipras declaresPrime Minister Alexis Tsipras has declared that not even one iota of parliamentary rules should be changed. 04/02/2019 14:47
English Edition Editorial: DangerIt is inconceivable for a minister whose portfolio is unrelated to foreign affairs to set a foreign policy different than that of the government, or to issue invitations and hand over cities to become foreign bases. 12/10/2018 13:55
13/03/2025 23:30 Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης: «Σημασία έχει το μέταλλο του πρωταθλητή, ο Ολυμπιακός ανήκει στο Champions League»
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14/03/2025 11:06 Η νέα σύνθεση της Κυβέρνησης: Πιερρακάκης στο Οικονομίας, Δήμας στο Μεταφορών, Βορίδης στο Μετανάστευσης
14/03/2025 10:36 Πάνω από 6 εκατομμύρια οι εκτοπισμένοι ως το τέλος του 2026 λόγω πολέμων - Βαθαίνει η κρίση στο Σουδάν