English Edition Editorial: ReformsThe report issued by the Bank of Greece explains that the implementation of the EU Recovery and Resilience Plan for Greece will expedite recovery. 29/06/2021 15:43
English Edition Editorial: Hell-holesPrisons must ensure basic security and follow the basic tenets of humanism. Their goal must be the social re-integration of prisoners. 15/04/2019 15:17
English Edition Bank of Greece report revises growth projections downward, stresses NPLsThe Bank of Greece rang the alarm bells over the danger of fiscal derailment due to Greece’s Council of State rulings which deemed unconstitutional earlier pension cuts and the abolition of holiday bonuses. 01/04/2019 19:56
English Edition Tsipras stresses job creation, distributive justice at first meeting of new cabinet'If these reforms had been implemented before the bailouts, perhaps we would have avoided paying such a heavy toll. In the final analysis, they can be implemented only by us,' the prime minister said. 31/08/2018 16:07
English Edition Bundesbank chief visits Athens to be briefed on reforms'Over the past few years, people in Germany, myself included, have sympathised deeply as Greece has fought to repair its economy,' Weidmann said. 30/08/2018 22:28
English Edition ESM, Eurogroup welcome Greek bailout exit, urge caution, reforms'Today we can safely conclude the ESM programme with no more follow-up rescue programmes, as for the first time since early 2010 Greece can stand on its own feet,' said Eurogroup chief Mario Centeno 20/08/2018 20:36
English Edition Editorial: TrustThe situation does not permit much optimism. The structural characteristics of the economy have not improved. Public administration is not trustworthy and the judiciary is dysfunctional. 18/08/2018 18:05
13/03/2025 23:30 Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης: «Σημασία έχει το μέταλλο του πρωταθλητή, ο Ολυμπιακός ανήκει στο Champions League»
13/03/2025 20:14 Τι είναι το slut-shaming; – Μία κοινωνία που στιγματίζει την σεξουαλική ελευθερία των γυναικών