English Edition Editorial: ComposureUnder no circumstances will our country’s stance be determined by the actions of Turkey, nor will Greece allow itself to be exploited by Erdogan’s games. 09/08/2022 20:43
Uncategorized Ιn letter to Guterres, Athens fully deconstructs Turkish positions on Aegean islands'Greece solemnly calls upon Turkey to stop questioning Greece’s sovereignty over its .Aegean islands through legally baseless and historically false assertions,' wrote Greece's UN envoy. 26/05/2022 23:54
English Edition Editorial: Responding to the challenge of Turkish provocationsBy turning his country into a regional troublemaker, Erdogan offers Greece the opportunity to highlight the fact that it is fully capable of playing a role as a force for stability. 25/05/2022 16:28
English Edition Editorial: OpportunitiesThe geopolitical and economic upgrading of Athens as a partner of the US should be highlighted, and all issues pertaining to Turkish provocations should be put on the table. 16/05/2022 22:31
English Edition Editorial: Greece on the right side of historyAnkara has often opted for sensationalist actions in the Aegean, which it then exploits and incorporates in its communication strategy, with pompous pronouncements. 24/02/2022 20:14
English Edition Editorial: No room for complacencyThe Greek government justifiably appears satisfied with Turkey’s first move toward de-escalation without concessions from Athens and with a halt of provocations 16/09/2020 07:02
English Edition Editorial: LimitsWhat would happen for example if a Turkish ship were conducting exploration and Ankara had issued a NAVTEX tying up the sea area? 02/02/2020 17:16
25/03/2025 23:13 Στο υπουργείο Μετανάστευσης την Τετάρτη ο Μητσοτάκης – Στις 16:00 θα συνεδριάσει το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο
25/03/2025 22:50 ΣΥΡΙΖΑ: Ένας «άριστος» στον ΟΣΕ με χαμηλότερο βαθμό και από τον μοιραίο σταθμάρχη των Τεμπών
25/03/2025 15:52 Οργή στη Δανία για την επικείμενη «απόβαση» των ΗΠΑ στη Γροιλανδία - «Απαράδεκτη...»
25/03/2025 16:49 Μεγάλη φωτιά σε εργοστάσιο ξυλείας στο Ηράκλειο – Μήνυμα από το 112 για τους καπνούς
25/03/2025 11:58 Σαμαράς για 25η Μαρτίου: Τα καταφέραμε στις πιο δύσκολες συνθήκες – Όχι μέσα από ήρεμα νερά