English Edition Polish Ambassador: War will end only with Moscow’s defeat or withdrawal of forcesPoland is now grappling with over two million refugees (1.7mn Ukrainian citizens) that have crossed from Ukraine to Poland since the 24 February Russian invasion. 30/03/2022 22:30
English Edition Editorial: The great dilemma The optimism bred by the Kremlin’s announcement that it is withdrawing certain forces from the Russia-Ukraine border proved to be premature. 19/02/2022 21:05
English Edition Editorial: A new Cold WarThe “true spirit of democracy” to which Xi Jinping referred and with which Putin agreed, has nothing to do with democracy as the US and the EU understand it. 06/02/2022 15:41
English Edition Editorial: ComposureThere are many diplomatic traps and any move can boomerang if it is not properly prepared. Greece must maintain a calm and stable stance on the Ukrainian issue. 24/01/2022 15:05
English Edition Editorial: FrontsGiven Ankara’s revisionist (and expansionist) geopolitical stance, it is exceptionally important not to come across as split or divided and to be united in confronting Turkey’s destabilising moves. 16/07/2021 15:35
English Edition Editorial: The mythGreece is confronted by serious challenges. It must adjust its tools, exploit the possibilities offered by new means of communication, and display realism. 27/12/2019 13:43
English Edition Editorial: AbsenteesEurope’s absence is also glaringly obvious in the latest Syria crisis and the chaos caused by the recent Turkish invasion. 15/10/2019 21:45
English Edition Editorial: Price gougingConsumers must not pay the piper, especially if as experts predict the crisis will reside after the Iranian show of force and will not trigger retaliation as the US will be drawn to the negotiating table. 18/09/2019 20:51
English Edition Editorial: Words can killAmericans constitute 4.4 percent of the global population and own 42 percent of the total number of weapons worldwide. 05/08/2019 17:30
English Edition Editorial: Tug-of-warErdogan is pushing the envelope in his relations with the US, in contrast to his predecessors who were dedicated allies of the American superpower. 13/06/2019 16:42
English Edition US Senate Act aims to lift arms embargo on Cyprus, boost Greece-Cyprus-Israel allianceThe bill comes in the midst of a severe crisis in US-Turkey relations arising from Ankara’s decision to buy Russian S-400 missile systems and to strengthen its embrace of Moscow. The purchase is sanctionable under US law. 10/04/2019 16:23
English Edition Pompeo to attend Israel-Cyprus-Greece summit for EastMed signingThe State Department said that the Secretary will attend the summit to discuss basic energy and security issues faced by the Eastern Mediterranean. 16/03/2019 00:38
English Edition Mitsotakis: Skopje’s EU path leverage for proper enforcement of Prespa Accord'International law makes it [the accord] difficult to change as it supersedes all domestic law. Any violation can bring international isolation and an International Court of Justice case against our country,' said New Democracy's leader. 29/01/2019 15:35
English Edition FYROM naming accord referendum too close to callIn response to the question “Do you favour the agreement with Greece on changing the name of the Republic of Macedonia, 52.6 percent of respondents said no, and 47.4 percent said yes. 18/09/2018 18:25
English Edition Editorial: BlackmailAt this critical hour, with instability in Turkey becoming explosive, what is required of the Greek government is calm and prudence. 13/08/2018 18:16
13/03/2025 23:30 Βαγγέλης Μαρινάκης: «Σημασία έχει το μέταλλο του πρωταθλητή, ο Ολυμπιακός ανήκει στο Champions League»
13/03/2025 20:14 Τι είναι το slut-shaming; – Μία κοινωνία που στιγματίζει την σεξουαλική ελευθερία των γυναικών
14/03/2025 11:06 Η νέα σύνθεση της Κυβέρνησης: Πιερρακάκης στο Οικονομίας, Δήμας στο Μεταφορών, Βορίδης στο Μετανάστευσης
14/03/2025 10:36 Πάνω από 6 εκατομμύρια οι εκτοπισμένοι ως το τέλος του 2026 λόγω πολέμων - Βαθαίνει η κρίση στο Σουδάν